Archive | December, 2019

Reading Matters… farewell 2019

12 Dec

As we almost bid another school year farewell, it seems fitting to reflect on how the year has panned out with its countless activities held at the school, is it any wonder that everyone is exhausted and waiting to reach that finish line! But, what a year it’s been with new beginnings for the Preps starting out; growth and development with the Year 3s morphing before our eyes and the Year 5s transitioning to high school! It’s all around us!


Using our Transdisciplinary Themes as my lens, I see how all of us have learnt how to share the planet carefully with such activities as the Nude Food week; we’ve experienced who we are in the many ways possible in human nature; we’ve expressed ourselves creatively for instance at the Character parade where colourful costumes abounded; we’ve felt where we are in place and time by learning about our history, past, present and future; and also how to be responsible for ourselves by learning how we can organise ourselves to manage our time and efforts more efficiently!!

Phew! What another milestone of a year we’ve reached!



I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe, long, summer holidays full of rest, relaxation and fun! I can only hope that part of that involves the wonderful and soothing practice of reading! Ah! It’s such a balm! And I wish everyone happy reading! This very skill remains at the heart of everything, no computer, no machine, very little communication in fact, can be used without this beautiful skill to help and guide us through the vast, swift changes that are a part of our lives each day!reading-clipart-summer-4


On behalf of the Primary Library, best wishes and kind regards.
